I'm so much prettier when I let it go, let it go

I'm so much prettier when I let it go, let it go
I'm just so beautiful when I let it go, let it go
I'm just, I'm so much prettier
When I let it go, let it go, I'm so beautiful 
When I let it go, let it go, let it go Jill Scott

Note to self: Let it go
When the decision you made did not get you to where you thought you out to be- let it go
When you didn't get the job or promotion that you thought would make your life all worth it- let it go
When the guy you thought was a good one stops talking like you, just like that - let it go
When you put your foot in your mouth at an important event - let it go
You're just so much more beautiful when you let it go

When your co-worker says something you believe is totally insensitive - let it go
When you hire  cleaners and they break your faucet while cleaning the bathroom- let it go
When the cash you need to pay your bills was spent on something else and you are worried that you have little or no cash until the next gig - let it go
You're so much prettier when you let it go

Letting it go doesn't  mean not dealing with it, ignoring it or putting it out of sight, it is loving yourself out of the situation, showing compassion to yourself and not worrying about how you look especially to other people. It means  acknowledgement, acceptance and movement towards..... love... love of self, love of life and all the messages it is sending you. Don't stay stuck there, take the message and act, ask - what are you telling me? then pay attention to the response



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