The greatest service I can offer is prayer - Iyanla Here is a prayer for you today Blessed and Divine Holy Spirit I thank you right now for the manifestation of every good intention I ever had. I thank you that my good intentions manifest so that I can experience a deeper sense of self-love and self-appreciation I thank you for the light and energy of your love that support my intention to know, experience and express the truth of who I am. I thank you for the race and mercy of your love that supports my intention to become a light of inspiration to others in my life and to the world I thank you for the wisdom hat supports my intention to be more loving and accepting of others I thank you for allowing my life to reflect back to me those things I have been unable to see, unwilling to acknowledge and unable to heal. Thank you for demonstrating to me that I can experience joy and happiness without pain and that the greatest joy of all is being able to accept and embrace mys...