Returning Stronger Day 7

People come into our lives to teach us the depth of our capacity to love Iyanla

Flew out of Nairobi to Kampala. As I arrived into the airport in Kampala the Ministry of Health officials were greeting everyone as they exited the plane asking for their yellow fever vaccination card, much to my surprise people were producing certificates, those without (mind you in the minority) were sent into a room. I was in the queue for the "room" when I got closer to the top of the line I realised it was to receive a shot for a small fee of $40USD- Hell naw! Hell naw On all levels- getting shot at the airport plus paying for it -hell naw

As I look up I see a sign " High Risk Yellow Fever Countries - Trinidad and Tobago"
Sheez- that is where I am from - my passport spells that big and bold no wonder he was in  a hurry to rush me to the "room"

I saw the Russian couple in front of me talk their way out of it, my turn to do the same

"Excuse me sir what is the procedure?"
"You cannot enter the country without the card, when last did you receive a shot"
"Where is your card?"
"At Home"
Ok you need to pay and get a shot
I put on my most innocent puppy face
Officer please, I cannot,
I can let you in but you won't be able to leave Uganda without the card
I thought, hmm let me worry about that in a week's time I am not about to be going down like that today
"Ok sure no problem"
I was given the all clear to enter and clear security

As I sat in the car driving into Kampala I thought to myself that I missed the point, this was plastered all over the media- get your shot, for months I completely ignored it. Proper preparation could have avoided this scenario.
I have a week to figure it out
Took us a long while to get into the office - the jam was real (traffic jam)
The new factory is magnificent- there was no power though - the place was dark except for the offixe where I sat with Josephine - the fiercest woman I know as she updated me on the latest developments in the company
It is going to be an interesting trip


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