Winding Down

Be grateful for the yes’s. They’re there. Maybe not right now. Gratitude will bring more of them. Maxie Mc Coy

As I get ready to leave Nairobi for London, I am so grateful. Grateful for the opportunity to be here, to meet all these amazing people who are doing their best to change their lives and by extension change the world.  Change truly starts with ourselves, and taking responsibility for our actions.
I am grateful for the people who invited me into their lives either through their businesses or their homes, their cooking of meals, sharing of stories and wisdom.
I am grateful for safe journeys and angels I met along the way
for the ability to see new cultures and ways of life
for the giraffes that I touched and the monkeys that ran past me as I walked home.
I am grateful for God's grace  have and the discernment that I have all that it takes to do the things that I desire and to not be afraid, there are many people doing things that you want to do and you are not alone
I am grateful for knowing why I am here
Holla at ya on the other side


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