Where the action is!

Don’t let yourself be stopped by what might not even happen. Rather, let yourself be pushed forward by the positive value of what you intend to achieve, to experience, to create. Ralph Marston Yesterday at base there was a meeting to strategise and come up with plans for the rest of the year and before harvest! I sat quietly at first listening to everyone so that I can really get a good background and learn what the issues, challenges and tasks are. Truth be told, I was feeling chuck full of fear, the what if’s and the not’s started raising their head! This is an incredibly awesome experience and challenge. I had to remind myself what you have learnt, feel the fear and do it anyway, do your best and you always have the power of choice. You see, when you are stretching, growing, learning there will always be some discomfort, that’s why it’s called moving out of your comfort zone, but I have learnt that it’s outside of your comfort zone that all the magic takes place.On...