It is only the humble mind that is receptive and thirsty for knowledge.
A gain in
knowledge does not serve its true purpose unless it is also accompanied by a
gain in humility Why? 1) The more you know, the more one realizes there is so
much more yet to be known. 2) The lack of humility creates a block to further
learning. It is only the humble mind that is receptive and thirsty for
knowledge. 3) The final purpose of knowledge is to remove all false
identifications of self, and genuine humility is just that - a decrease of ego
and an increase of your proximity to truth. 4) Finally, whatever one knows is
understood be due to His light alone. Realizing this, how can one not be
humble?( Sudir Krisnan)
When you are clear about what you want to do and
pursue it with full intent and a burning desire the magic happens! I wanted to
share all what I have learnt on my journey’s so far, I wanted to learn from
others who have the knowledge, who have walked the path and together make a
difference where ever I am. I surrendered the how! Why? Because the Universe is
just awesome and limitless and mysterious and knows more than I do , it loves
me as well which feels really good!
All that said, yesterday was a pretty awesome day
for me, I signed an agreement to publish a book! My own book!!! I am so happy
and excited about this! I want to thank you guys who read my blog and those who
comment and share!
The book should be ready by Christmas time so keep
an eye out for it as we continue on the journey!
So what did I learn today?
According to my girl, Danielle La Porte, You are
worthy of your desires. Really wanting what you want gives you the power
to get it.
You go Captain Awesome!!!!! I have no doubt that this will be a fantastic book! I can't wait! Make sure you advise us when it has been released!...Journey mercies!!