Obligate yourself to your dreams

This article was written by Danielle La Porte, a truth teller extraordinaire, I thought I would share it. Had a meeting last night and we were talking about dream killers seems to be something happening wherever humans are!!!!

The thing about overachievers is that they love achieving — at everything they do. They want to hit every ball outta the park. And typically, they hate to let people down. And whether it’s pure ego or dignity, overachievers like to look good.
This can make it hard for achievers to transition from pleasing other people to truly pleasing themselves. Day job to dream-chasing. Team leader to solopreneur. Conventional path to leap of faith.
When you decide to go after a new dream, you need to give less to your current reality and more to your desired reality. I see this struggle especially with people who want to leave a situation to start their own thing: You set your sights on your dream, and yet, you keep giving your current, kinda-crappy situation 110% — out of habit, obligation, fear or image control. You keep putting in crazy hours at your current thing, while the New Thing just… waits for you to find the time… getting the scraps of your energy and attention.
And New Thing happens a year later, or three years later — or never.
Take your energy out of what you don’t want to be doing anymore so you can put it in what you really want to be doing.
This is really unnerving for achievers and Type A’s — because you’re going to have to — gasp— slack off at something. You may — oh dear — you may disappoint a few people when you:
Cut down your hours,
shirk some responsibilities,
say no to more,
use up your holiday time,
risk your reputation,
let them be unimpressed….
And you:
Transfer your skills and love to your passion project,
make the time for your Soul and
let your dream distract you like a hot love affair.
Start wanting what you want
So what did I learn today?
Stop giving 100% to what you don't want


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