Dear 2015

Dear 2015
It’s me, Akosua, some call me Yaki!
I am ready for you!
I am ready for the infinite abundance that is in me that I forget and many times fear to claim!
I am ready for the light and to know  and know and know that light can also come in through the cracks! So don’t fret about them cracks them!
I am ready and willing and open to use my super powers which were given to me by the Universe the day I was created!
I am ready to  be done with the mediocrity, the excuses, the inauthenticity, the arseness, the pretense.  Nope, not round here!
I am ready to love with my heart wide open, my eyes wide open and my intuition whispering to me every day when the sun rises!
I will remind myself daily that there is nothing that exists that is too good for me and I come from a long line of successful living beings. I will remind myself to call on the ancestors whenever I need to and listen for the answer
I am ready to reclaim the power when I forget that I have it because sometimes trust me, I do forget! And the power means knowing that I went to bed each night having done my very best, to see the lesson and the blessing in every single thing and to know no matter what is going on I will be ok.
I am ready to stop making excuses for bad behaviour, mine and others, in my life and space
I am ready to accept and acknowledge that I live by grace, built by love
Light streaming through me. Angels comforting and cueing me to the next best everything.
I am done with what needs to be done -- and is. And I am ready for what's right around the corner. More than ever.
Bring it! Ah ready! Let’s go!


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