Being all in

Being all in is you committing to your decisions whether or not they work out the way you planned.  Dawn Moxie

Big picture thinking is one thing I am happy to have learnt. This comes from knowing what you want, having a clear vision. When you have the big picture, the clear vision. you are committed to making decisions and taking massive action to get there - it's almost like this - the how comes along as you go along.
Getting to the corner, I can take a car, bus, walk, run, crawl - my big picture is getting to the corner. We get bogged down in the how. We look at what is in front of us and what has happened with other people - we want evidence, we want validation from friends, family and loved ones, we want a pat on the back, we want status quo, we want to be talked about positively- good luck with that homies!

All of the  amazing and awesome things that happened, that have been invented, that we use is through someone trusting and moving forward not knowing how
I let the how blow my mind because it always does, its quite exciting really - tuning out the naysayers is harder
I wanted to share my story I didn't know how
I wanted to travel I didn't know how

But it happened
It wasn't always easy what kept me going in the vision, the commitment the discipline and knowing that the how is not up to me
all roads lead to God
and all things are lessons that God would have us learn


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