Piss off some more people
The very thing that I run from I must face- with everything. So why not remain still for a minute and face it?
Because of Fear- plain and simple
And why run? Fear!
Fear of what?
The list starts with fear of pissing people off, fear of letting myself down and ends with again, fear of pissing people off
And why is pissing people off such a fear
I thought about that question and the fear of pissing people off goes back to when I was a child
I could not bear "pissing off" my father, I really just could not bear it, his response was either the silent treatment for days or an extreme telling off. Bingo! That's it! I associate pissing people off with those behaviours and my my my what is this living in the past doing to me?
So here are the lessons:
1. Let go of the past
2. Forgive yourself
3. Forgive him
4. Move on swiftly
5. Piss off some more people
What are your triggers and the lessons associated with them?
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