Forgive Yourself

I am now willing to forgive myself...for the judgments I have held about myself and against myself.
Here is a prayer for you today.
Blessed and Divine Holy Spirit, today I forgive myself. I forgive myself for judging my true Self less than a perfect creation of God. I forgive myself for judging my Self not enough and not good enough. I forgive myself for not asking for what I need and want. I forgive myself for believing I do not deserve to be happy. I forgive myself for all of the things I have done and not done in support of this belief. I forgive myself for judging my Self unworthy. I forgive myself for all the things I have done that supported this belief.
I forgive myself for all the judgments I have held against my Self. I forgive myself for all of my behaviors that supported me in holding judgments against my Self. I forgive myself for the judgments I have held against my body. I forgive myself for believing I have any inabilities. I forgive myself for the judgments I have held about my Self and against my Self that have not allowed my God-given abilities to shine through me.
I forgive myself for judging my Self weak. I forgive myself for judging my Self to be anything other than perfect and complete. I forgive myself for being angry with my Self. I forgive myself for the things that I have done and not done to justify remaining angry with my Self. I forgive myself for not trusting my Self. I forgive myself for all the things I have done to support the belief that my Self was not trustworthy. I forgive myself completely and unconditionally for all the judgments I have held about and against my Self, for I now realize how these judgments have diminished the perfect unfolding and development of the divine Self I am.
Until today, you may have thought it was important to learn how to forgive others. Just for today, be devoted to forgiving yourself for all of the infractions you have committed against your true Self.
Today I am devoted to accepting forgiveness from myself to my Self! ~~Iyanla Vanzant, "Until Today"



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