Random- Not Random Events

Keep steady. Keep the focus. And if the chance arises, make sure you are prepared for the opportunity. Life will prepare you. Stillness will prepare you. And if one consults one's shrine one will soon come to realize that one can not miss that which was meant for them. Be mindful of distractions. If you forget that you are blessed, it will begin to seem that way. The Floacist

I used to tutor her in Accounting back in the day, she was at school and I was just about finishing my secondary school, we lost touch, I moved out of the country. And then after many years we saw each other again and started chatting again, she lived in the US and I was still in the UK

Technology allows us to connect when used in a positive way and in this case we used it positively to stay in touch ever so often.
She sent me a message that she is a part of a book club and they were interested in featuring "What Did I Learn Today - Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love" 
Naturally I was delighted, they asked for some guidance on questions relevant for a discussion and we had a lovely exchange.

That was about 6 weeks ago. 

On Sunday she sent me a message that was totally "random-not random" They had the book club and in the napkins totally unplanned was a picture on the napkin "what did you learn today?" They all couldn't believe it, nor could I
Now I don't know what that means but I just thought it was a great story and wanted to share it!

and to thank The Bougie Book Club of Symya Georgia



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