Keeping it all in?

Creativity deferred or denied morphs into guilt, shame, rage, depression, anxiety, envy and jealousy, among other things. We are made to create. When we aren’t creating, we feel powerless; and, in our powerlessness, we become destructive — to ourselves and others. Hiro Boga

What have you been postponing? What are the things that are inside of you screaming to come out?
What are you stopping yourself from making, creating, coming out because:
I'm too old
I'm too big
I'm too small
I have no money
I have no support
My family will not understand
The bills will not be paid
The economy
yada yada yada

What are you denying yourself from doing because?
1. Travelling
2. Painting
3. Writing
4. Cooking
and the list goes on

Listen, start something, anything, start small because what is inside of you is waiting to come out, and when it gets trapped inside the consequences are enormous. It will kill you, literally!
Trust me!
Let it out
Create or


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