Self Confidence Redefined

You must maintain unwavering faith that you can and will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties, AND at the same time, have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be. James Collins

The Make Muse Magazine provided me the opportunity to share lessons on the Journey on Self Confidence. I defined or redefined it how I believed it to be

Self Confidence redefined as:
  1. Knowing that there is no one way to do anything – looking at alternative methods of achieving, doing and living.
  2.  Failing forward – using failure as feedback rather than a reason to stop.
  3.  Listening to their Intuition and being guided by it despite how it looks or sounds to others.
  4.  Being nudged by the messages received through intuition even if it makes absolutely no sense!
  5. Using non-traditional financing methods – women entrepreneurs are masters of this. On many occasions, traditional financing institutions either flatly refuse to extend credit, or believe the risk is too high to invest and choose to not extend financing. Because of these and many other circumstances women are not able to access credit, venture capital funding and loans. Women find a way to fund their enterprises despite these challenges.
  6.  Using non-traditional partners and allies – corporation over competition. Rather than compete in the traditional sense, there is more of a thrust to work with those already existing in the space.
  7. Believing that there is always a way through no matter how it looks.
  8. Sharing the vision openly – the ability to share the vision without fear and reservation. Everyone involved is given a clear picture of what the vision is, what the goal is. It is easily and simply communicated.
  9.  Being open to sharing, being passionate and most importantly being authentic.
  10. Expressing all their feelings without fear or favor

Read the full article here



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