Not everyone can get a seat on the bus!!

Be willing to go alone. Many who started with you won't finish with you. Tony A. Gaskins Jr.

Sometimes you have to get the courage to go it alone, sometimes you're going to piss people off, they are not going to agree with everything that you do but you have to be ok with that. I've learnt that people pleasing is most times a fear of losing love. I said yes to everything I was asked, I found a way to do it, I look for solutions. In my relationship, I was the doer, the dream was hatched and brought to me to execute, I've also learnt you need to keep your dreams no matter what! thats a non negotiable. Find the courage to stop the bus, to put some people off!  Be 100% self approved, Its ok.I was told "Get a good job, grow up", "what are you doing?" but its now nonnegotiable do what brings you joy!

So what did I learn today?
Sometimes you have to be willing to walk by yourself for a minute. Sometimes your homegirl or homeboy, your mama or daddy, your woman or your man won’t get your vision. But if no one else gets your vision, that’s okay because God didn’t give your vision to them. God gave your vision to YOU.” I can do anything I want to do! Anything that my heart truly chooses, And it may be a lonely journey but it’s mine! It’s my purpose! I may have to leave some things behind me, I may have to let somepeople off the bus I may have to change my mind And I can’t bring everybody with me, They will be better off for having known me, So I just breathe!



  1. I truly love this one. Many times on the lonely ride is when you really find yourself and your dream and where your vision(mission) becomes clear/clearer.

    We have to accept that each of us is unique and therefore will think unique things that does not belong to others...and that is okay. Even if that someone does not see your vision, but they see you and appreciate what they see, then you may have ridden alone but you were not alone and you would have reached with someone. Thanks Yakki

    1. Thanks for the comment!! Love the comment "We have to accept that each of us is unique and therefore will think unique things that does not belong to others...and that is okay" It really is ok! The think is to keep reminding ourselves that it really is OK. Peace!!


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