Pretending is demeaning
Pretending is demeaning, and it makes you weak and confused, and it's also a lot of work. I don't do that kind of work anymore. untruth is always complicating, and truth — no matter what the consequences — is always strangely simplifying. ) Elizabeth Gilbert Check yourself- sometimes when you are extremely mentally tired check out if you are walking around with a mask, the mask becomes heavy. Ask yourself, what are you attempting to prove by being something or someone that you are not? There is a difference between being respectful and being fake What do you believe it is you have to lose by pretending, what is so important to you that you have to be someone else to get or keep it? to be accepted? What is it that remains so important? I wanted to be liked, I wanted to avoid conflict, I detested disappointing people and being around any raised loud voices. That was my reason Now I know Everyone cannot like me and there are ways and tools that I c...