
Showing posts from December, 2016

Unveiling 2017

As the curtain falls on 2016, I am grateful. Grateful for the lessons, the triumphs, the trips, the friends gained and lost, the lessons and the love. My most telling lesson was do absolutely nothing with the intention to prove and do it all in love. From that space everything follows. I made a many decisions in fear, fear of what would happen to me, fear of what people would say or not day and it left me drained and draining. I have surely learnt my lesson. I am looking forward to this year, I love the uncertainty, I love it, it is so exciting knowing that anything can happen at anytime and all of it, yes all of it is FOR me and I have the awesome ability to make another choice, to change my mind, to choose with love I want to thank everyone who has read my blogs, come to my events, bought my books, watched my Ted Talk, watched my videos, shared lessons on the journey and just supported I thank you I love you Peace Blessings to you and yours for a wonderful 2017 and beyond...

It's a Balancing Game

Be mindful not to forget that which needs to be remembered. Be sure to remember to let go of what no longer needs to be held. It's a balancing game. Align self everyday - Natalie Stewart How do we use what we have to make where we are a better place than how we found it? My simple answer is Be Yourself, and by that I mean not be an ass and inflexible - saying this is who I am take me or leave me. How do you pull out the best YOU? Acting in service of yourself in love. Acting from a place of love firstly love of yourself which it all starts from I have learnt, self love contributes to EVERYTHING Food Friends Entertainment Relationships you name it!? Every.single.ting. Start there Peace


I found that every single successful person I’ve ever spoken to had a turning point and the turning point was where they made a clear, specific, unequivocal decision that they were not going to live like this anymore. Some people make that decision at 15 and some people make it at 50 and most never make it at all.” You must constantly ask yourself these questions: Who am I around? What are they doing to me? What have they got me reading? What have they got me saying? Where do they have me going? What do they have me thinking? And most important, what do they have me becoming? Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay? Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change. ” Jim Rohn As 2016 comes to a close I have been making some firm decisions, like really really firm ones, about what I want and what I will be leaving behind. I'm on it! On it like I want it Finances - big big one - Never ever again I want to be here in this position where its l...

Unveiling 2017

Elevate your mind free your soul Soul to Soul Stand guard at the door of your mind was one of the best pieces of advice I have ever received. Watch what you let in to your mind,watch what you let out too My thoughts I have learnt manifests itself into my life, when I want an idea of what I am thinking I look at my life, and sometimes I smile, I celebrate I say wow and other times I use the famous saying "What on earth were you thinking?" I do my best to organise my thoughts in a way that works for me, to remind myself that thoughts make things With that in mind I want to share with you Unveiling 2017. It's free, download it, share it, link it. From me to you Peace

How do you choose to respond?

Listen, every day comes with countless opportunities for you to go nuts, to be upset, to judge, to feel sad and small and hopeless or whatever. If you want to go there, you can. But what not enough of us realize yet is that there is another option available. You can also go into your day remembering who you are - an extension of God, here to spread light and love. And when something or someone triggers you, you can choose,  Nope I'm not gonna go there. I'm gonna stand my ground and be the most kind, loving, forgiving and compassionate person I can be. All that darkness coming my way - I'm just gonna let it slide right off and participate in spreading the light. Elisa Lionne How do you approach the day? Every day Free will allows us the opportunity to respond in any which way we can. What a beautiful thing. How we show up, How we respond makes up the story of our life. Remember that in this holiday season and even after, you always have a choice on how...

What you focus on grows

Many times we focus on what’s missing, what we don't have and all that does is draw more of the same on to you. And when that happens, we beat up ourselves, with that the cycle continues. Excerpt from What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love What do you have? What is good? What makes you smile? Focus on that today, especially in this season of giving, it can be daunting to focus on what is missing - love, money, sunshine, friends, family and the list goes on While that is the case they may indeed be out of the picture for now there is always something good to focus on, be grateful for and smile about My request to you today is to focus on that because as the law proves, what you focus on grows Peace

EveryTHING is fleeting

Our attachments are always based on fear. We stay attached to a job, a belief system, a relationship, a city, behavioral patterns, addictions or negative mental thought processes ~ that no longer serves us ~ because we are afraid of the unknown, the what if's... and we don't want to step out of our comfort zones. Sabrina Reber  Are you willing to lose it all to gain it all? As soon as I heard the question is jolted me out of my sleep walking state. I mean, who will be willing to lose it all I asked myself?  Are you willing? Willing in this case means prepared to do Are you prepared to do that thing which is required to gain it all, which can include losing it all? Fear keeps us stuck in one spot, it halts us in the same position because of the unknown. We know what we have and the unknown is not guaranteed. It is pretty scary to lose what you have without a guarantee that something better will replace it, and that is the battle we face We want guarantees now, e...

Stand in your Power

Just put it on the table and let people deal with it - Michelle Obama How many times have we dimmed our light? How many times have we been afraid to admit- even to our own damm selves that we did a good job, that we are smart and worked hard? How many times have we dumb it down to make people feel comfortable around us? Hell, I have been doing that and sometimes unconsciously but you know what? Knowledge is power and once we know we cannot go back to acting as if we don't know So here is the thing - It ends NOW As Ms Obama says- put it out there, let people deal with the you that is beautiful, powerful, smart, bright, amazing, and awesome. And if they cannot deal with it, then breathe and walk out with your head held high There is nothing more demeaning than dismissing your own power Don't do it Do you Peace

What Are Your Non Negotiables?

For we are a reflection of our surroundings So allow me to surround I with Love, Self Love and Acceptance. For anything else is irrelevant. Anything else is a sentiment Floacist It starts with you. How you treat you, then it extends to who is in your crew. Who is in the circle. What you allow will continue. Some things are just non negotiable and that must be a conscious decision, if it is not then it must be one taken based on experiences.  What are some of your non negotiables? Do you even have any?  I have learnt that somethings are just off the table, those who want to bring them back on the table unfortunately cannot become part of my crew. This decision I have also learnt is an absolute life saver And so it is Peace

It's Alright

Get this groove get you to move, it's alright, alright, alright - Earth Wind and Fire As the year comes to a close, I am reminded of how "alright" everything really is. No, seriously, it really is "alright". Everything, every occurrence, every heartbreak, every celebration, every encounter is not by chance. It is a combination of our beliefs and vibes we send out coupled with the Universe sending us a message. What happens is that we get bogged down in fear, shame, how it will look, how much time we "invested" in the thing and what will happen next. As a Course in Miracles taught me be willing to see it differently, Start there And so  as 2016 comes to a close, I am getting into the groove because its alright! It's alright to give thanks despite how it looks to you now It's alright to feel the feelings It's alright to cry It's alright to laugh at yourself at times It's alright to take a break It'alright to celebrat...

Ask the Questions

You never told me you were waiting. Contemplating - SOS Band  In the four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, he talks about not making assumptions but asking questions to be absolutely clear. Doing that requires courage and knowing that you may hear a response that may not be what to hear. There is the danger of running around in your head with a made up story without knowing the real deal when you don't have the courage or whatever it takes to ask and be clear In my country they say when you make assumptions it can make an ass out of you So what would it take to asking these hard questions apart from courage? 1. Self Belief - believing that whatever the outcome and answer you are ready and capable to handle it 2. Trust - Trust yourself, trust the process 3. Honesty - complete and sometimes brutal honesty is required 4. Believing that the other party will take responsibility for their feelings Peace

The truth remains true

what was never true is not true now, and never will be ACIM An untruth cannot be changed into truth, despite our best intentions and wishes. We tend to make up stories. We make them up for different reasons when we are faced with the truth It isn't supposed to be like this I can make it better Maybe I can live with this It will change I will ignore it and it will go away Maybe, maybe not, but the truth is the truth no matter what reasons, rationale, justification or excuses we make The challenge is once we know we cannot go back to not knowing, with knowledge comes responsibility. Many times it is scary to move, especially when it involves change and the unknown. Who says action must happen right away, we can take our time before we move, meditate, ask questions, pray, then act. The most important thing is there is nothing to fear and it is all lessons That's the truth Peace

Celebration Time

Whatever win you had today, whether it's getting the laundry done, or writing that one blog post, or actually meditating, or remembering your friends birthday, or achieving a BIG goal...celebrate it. Acknowledge what you've done. Take inventory of what you do. I know there will always be more on the table. There will be a list longer than the Mississippi waiting for your attention. But with each thing you've accomplished, big and small, c e l e b r a t e. ..  yourself. Maxi McCoy I'm celebrating today! Yes I am, a party with me myself and I! why? I am  usually always on to the next thing, never stopping to say job well done, or take in the hurdles that I have crossed. It's about what's next, what to do, what do I still have to do, what is missing? I'm celebrating every little step I have made today, I just dropped my Journal and I'm off again figuring out how to "get" to the next milestone! No, not today,  Today its a celebration, I am celeb...


Anything (person, place, gig, idea, arrangement, obligation, practice, policy...) that does not resonate with your deep heart... is distraction. Activity that pulls you away from your true strengths… is distraction. Thoughts that do not sync with your deep trust… is distraction. Relationships that do not support your full potential… distraction. All the opposites of your pleasure, your strength, your truth… distraction Danielle La Porte  It takes determination to fool proof the distractions It takes courage to fool proof the distractions It takes self belief to fool proof the distractions It takes discipline to fool proof the distractions According to Danielle La Porte " Distraction is inevitable, it’s essential, even, because we learn through contrast. Distraction is a gear that we grind to move forward" The challenge is being stuck in the holding pattern of being distracted! it also is when you have managed to come out of the pattern wha...

When you surrender

Action just for the sake of action isn't always helpful. Maxie McCoy I have been attempting to sort financing for a car for the past six months. I honestly believed that my actions before of paying off all my debts and not venturing into any more by using cash only, were in my best interests. The exercise showed me how much knowledge is key, and my perception of what is best may be nest for a time or a purpose.  And then when the rejections started coming in thick and fast I realised that I was sadly mistaken, my actions were in direct contravention to what these financial institutions wanted more than that, the more I resisted the more the process became frustrating. The more time I took dwelling on what I did not have the less I actually had.  I felt like I was in quick sand, and the more I looked for finance the more it eluded me in every part of my life. The jobs, the books, just basic having money too! I was panicking. Then I took out the lesson tool box, first thi...

Who did I serve today?

Ask yourself: Who did I serve today? Iyanla This week I am scheduled to spend with some young women from what we like to call here "hot spots" - areas that are considered high in crime and social issues I am always happy to be given the opportunity to share lessons on the journey as I myself learn from the young people. What I learnt is that they want to be loved, to feel as if they are being heard and that they matter. I think we all want to feel this way. And more than anything I approach the time I spent with them with this in mind. I also extend it to everyone that I meet. As Maya Angelou says people may forget what you said, maybe what you did however they will always remember how you made them feel. Peace

Ask yourself: what would you do if you were not afraid?

Courage precedes clarity - Mastin Kipp What would you do if you were not afraid? This question has pushed me into many of the many amazing and adventurous sometimes scary events of my life. What would you do if you were not afraid Akosua? I ask myself when I am stuck, when I am indecisive, when I am procrastinating. You see, the fear factor stops me many of time! What about you? Do you stop yourself when you analyse the what if's? and most times it is the worst case scenario what if's? So to move past that whole conversation and feeling I ask myself the question and answer honestly as I truly believe that there is nothing to fear. I know for the next couple of weeks this question will be on loop, on repeat as I move into completely new areas and challenges. I invite you ask yourself as well and let's share and swap stories Peace My Tedx talk - There is Power in your story have a look, link it.share it. like it

Judge Not

be very careful about passing judgment on each other’s learning experiences.   Raise Your Vibration One of my daily prayers is "Please allow me to release all judgement"  The struggle is real! From wanting things my way From not knowing the full story From the timing being out of sync And yada yada yada Judgement How something "should" be I should be further along in my life and finances right now I should be over the divorce All this shoulding on myself! And when this happens I do the same on others All this triggered by both a conversation and the fact that society has told me that I am a "financial risk" I know there is a lesson in there somewhere including me taking responsibility for myself and my finances My responsibility now is to get still, listen, get the lesson and get out of the mess When I judge others I judge myself and vice versa- the cycle continues Everyone has their own lives, lessons and journey that is an undeniable ...


it was amazing to feel myself becoming more me than ever. But in-between those power-moments was some ugly terror and resentment. Bones into soup. Comfort into chaos. Commitments into dissolution. This is what healing looks like . Danielle La Porte Have you ever listened to yourself tell a story or answer a question from someone who asked something which you really didn't like or felt slight discomfort in answering? I have been paying attention to the words I utter in those situations. I started paying attention to remind myself that words have power and how I express myself can and usually does show up in my world, whether I am taking responsibility or outsourcing it. I have learnt that ,Listening is an art, it starts with listening to yourself, it gives you the practice to listen to others and to listen to what is around you. Listening promotes awareness and learning, two key qualities in living a full authentic life.  When you listen, you discover. You explore...

My Ted Talk Drops Today!

Stop thinking that because you feel lost, confused, or unsure, you don't have what it takes. You've gotten yourself into something new that will teach you and that will push your life to new heights. Look for new areas where you’re scared as hell... and hug 'em, thank 'em, because it means you're pushing the boundaries of life. Maxie McCoy I'm so so  proud of this moment I had the absolute privilege to be a part of the TEDX  Family last month, I was invited to do a TED Talk, and this is it - What Are You Doing with your story? Link it, share it, like it, talk about it - to me and to others I thank you in advance Peace

Words have power

Words are alive, cut them and they bleed  R alph Waldo Emerson I decided to pay attention and practice the whole concept of words have power and even saying some things subconsciously manifest itself into reality.  Just a quick note to share that and ask if you want to share the challenge Peace

My Top Ten Lessons on the Journey in 2016

"wherever you go for the rest of your life, you're always in the middle of the universe and the circle is always around you. Everyone who walks up to you has entered that sacred space, and it's not an accident. Whatever comes into the space is there to teach you" Pema Chodron As the year comes to a close I usually take the time to reflect on the past 12 months, how I have grown and what I have learnt. I must admit 2016 has been a year of many many lessons some of them painful ones, I still give thanks because I truly believe that everything is happening for me not to me. Here are my top ten lessons for 2016 1. You are the one demonstrating to others how to treat you by your own actions and what you allow - People feed off your vibes, if there are no boundaries involved it is easy to ride rough. You can be kind but firm, you can be a good person without being a doormat 2. Feel all your feelings, all of them - It is the best and fastest way to heal. Feelings b...

Start with YES

We can’t change anything if we don’t first acknowledge it! Accept where you are right here, right now and know you have the power within you to make new choices that will expand your consciousness moving you into an upward spiral where you have the potential to raise your vibration high enough so you can attain divine union with your God self . Sabrina Reber So this morning I'm on Facebook, and the "Your Memories on Facebook" pop up on my feed, OMG just everything is always right on time all the time!  This was a sweet piece of advice that was given to me as I was contemplating leaving to come back to Trinidad , as I leave 2016 it is so fitting. I am sharing What did I learn today? Start with YES!! What happens when you leave here? All the possibilities scare you to death! The dragons are not to be slain but to be befriended you don’t have to know where you going but to trust that you are going in the right direction, the back that you are going to is going ...

E3 Series

There is something about the attitude of gratitude. It is a decoder and it allows you to see possibilities, whatever it is, financial affairs, body temple, you name it. It allows you to see things you were missing before Rev Johnson Today I have the pleasure and opportunity to speak at the University of the West Indies - I walked those halls a few years ago, sat in the library all day studying for my accounting exams, not having a clue on what the future held but resolute in my mind that I would be successful. Back then success meant having things and a family, 2 children a dog and a big lawn where I could smell the grass freshly cut. Today it is a whole other definition I am graeful for the lessons, the redefinition of success and more importantly the opportunity to return and share the lessons on the journey What I have learnt is that no matter what it looks like - it is happening FOR you not TO you. Pay attention and see where it leads when you change your view on it Friday...

Success is.......

You may not have a vacation home in Hawaii, but you have a cozy roof above your head in a city you love. Success. Maxie I have a small circle of peeps! so small they can fit comfortably in an SUV. I appreciate them - I really ought to tell them more - but I digress They support me, they keep it real with me and they are doing their own thing in their own way. I accept that as well This is one of my definition of success. Some of them I don't speak to every day and many times there is no need but when we speak its on!!! I have learnt to appreciate the people who support and love you, I have learnt that we don't always have to speak daily to know that we care (social media helps heaps) I have learnt that acceptance of what they are doing is key to authenticity. I have learnt that we are never alone even if we think that we are.  Giving thanks for my peeps today and tomorrow and beyond Love Y'all  Peace