When you surrender

Action just for the sake of action isn't always helpful. Maxie McCoy

I have been attempting to sort financing for a car for the past six months. I honestly believed that my actions before of paying off all my debts and not venturing into any more by using cash only, were in my best interests.

The exercise showed me how much knowledge is key, and my perception of what is best may be nest for a time or a purpose.  And then when the rejections started coming in thick and fast I realised that I was sadly mistaken, my actions were in direct contravention to what these financial institutions wanted more than that, the more I resisted the more the process became frustrating. The more time I took dwelling on what I did not have the less I actually had. 

I felt like I was in quick sand, and the more I looked for finance the more it eluded me in every part of my life. The jobs, the books, just basic having money too! I was panicking. Then I took out the lesson tool box, first thing to come out was - Surrender
So, I let go, I said, give thanks in advance for this and just let go, follow the feeling, do not fight it. Decide and claim it. You have done the work, planted the seeds now wait for the harvest. 
As soon as I did that, the people who could have assisted me came like a flood, people were helping me, giving me contacts and here I am almost there I received a call today saying that I can get some of the financing, not all but it is better than zero
I also started getting more paid speaking gigs as well! Hey who knew surrender was such a magic potion! 
So- onward, upward and forward


Check out "There is Power in your story" - My Teds Talk

My new journal also drops soon- sneak preview


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