Power calls!
This resonated with me in a hug way I wanted to share this piece from Danielle La Porte!
Take what you need and leave the rest!
LIFE. It’s all energy. You
know this.
When we give energy away
willingly, intentionally, with positivity, we get stronger. We become truer, purer, bigger.
When we give our energy
away unconsciously, under duress, as we are victimized, or taken advantage of,
when we over-give out of a sense of deficiency or obligation, we … don’t
get stronger. We constrict, we get depleted, we start to stiffen from fear.
You don’t want to ever run
into that person. The very thought turns your stomach.Get bigger than it.… I call all of my power back to me now. I am whole and complete.
The love songs that make
you sick. Own the beauty. Sing it for someone else. Take it back. I call all of my power back to me now. I am whole and complete.
The scene of
the crime, that words that broke your spirit, the time you got rejected —
painful stuff … those situations all have your energy inside of them, waiting to be
freed up and restored to you. I call all of my power back to me now. I am
whole and complete.
The places that you used to go to, but avoid now, extract your mojo out of them…I call all of my power back to me now. I am whole and complete.
The places that you used to go to, but avoid now, extract your mojo out of them…I call all of my power back to me now. I am whole and complete.
The years you tried to make it work, poring, praying, pleading,
dancing on egg shells … take back every plea, take back every prayer — take back every time
you wished for it to be different than it was —
it’s over now. I call all of my power back to me now. I am
whole and complete.
The incident that traumatized you. The blow that caused the
wounds. Call your strength home.
Snap it back from the betrayer, from the abuser. Take it all back. NOW. I call all of my power back to
me now. I am whole and complete.
Triggered agony, symbols of defeat, waves of anxiety, emotions
of disempowerment, memories that really hurt. Transmute it all into fuel. …I call all of my power back to me now. I am
whole and complete.
For all the times you were quiet about deception and disrespect,
quiet about the life force that was being syphoned from your generous nature. Speak your power into
fullness. …I call all of my power back to me now. I am
whole and complete.
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