You are priceless

While there's a time and place for self-improvement, today's focus is on every-thing that's already great about you. Let go of who you think you should be and fall madly in love with who you are in this moment. When you accept yourself exactly as you are, you shift from living for tomorrow to appreciating today. Kris Carr

Do better
Earn more
Train harder
Make better choices
Make more money
Do more gigs
Get more qualifications
Find a partner
Eat better
Exercise more
You look like you are gaining weight
OMG a grey hair!
Pimples on my face?? What?
My belly feels big
What happened with this guy? I must find out what I must do better or what I need to improve on, why has he suddenly gone quiet and not getting in touch?
You have not cleaned the house
and on and on till the break of dawn

It's been a never ending spiral in my head, all week! Self talk and more self, the monkey mind!
So today, it is accept myself day, what's great about me is the self talk!
I suggest you do the same, speak to yourself lovingly, accept the awesomeness of who you are, and know that you are priceless!


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