They showed up

Personal Power - it is the source of influence and authority in every aspect of your life and your ability to exercise that influence consistently and constructively - Iyanla Vanzant

Today at the NiNa  -  a young women entrepreneurship programme that I developed and work with in schools - I sat listening to the 15 young ladies present their business models to a panel of three judges (who by the way rocked today thank you so much to Helen Tonia and Tisha) I felt so happy, contented and full of joy
You see, the journey to here was one that started with 15 young ladies who did not even contemplate that they would find, present and enjoy this moment- and here we were, six weeks later full of confidence- those ladies SHOWED UP! they showed up- magical things happen when we show up
And even if none of them ever go into business I pray that they remember the day that they showed up proud, ready and open!


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