Ask for what you really really want

Let us resolve today to ask for what we really want, and only this, that we may spend this day in fearlessness, without confusing pain with joy, or fear with love. (1:9) ACIM
Asking for what you really want when you are a "people pleaser" is a challenge
Asking for what you really want when you are coming from a space of "not enoughness" is a challenge
Asking for what you really want when the fear is clouding your mind is a challenge
Asking for what you really want when self belief is low is a challenge
But ask anyway
Find the courage and ask
In the book "The Four Agreements" Mr Ruiz talks about having the courage to ask for what you want and do not assume. There is also a saying that when you assume you make an ass out of you and me- and I'm sure you a'int no ass!
Asking for what you really want brings clarity, it brings trust because you know that you have laid it all out on the table there are no hidden agendas
Asking for what you really want allows people a chance to show you who they are because by their actions- not their words- you can see who is authentic, who is lying through their teeth, who needs love, who isn't ready and then you get to choose
Asking for what you  really want means that you have taken the time to know what it is you really want because if you don't know any ole thing will be enough
Asking for what I really want is a work in progress I have tried it so far for what I consider tough in two occasions
I was really digging this guy, I started off asking him for what I really wanted, things were going, in my mind smoothly, then I chickened out on the next set of questions and things fizzled out to nothing - I felt bad that the friendship hasn't gone in the way that I would have liked, but I felt great knowing that I got the practice in asking for what I wanted. Still felt bad though but I digress...
I chickened out in asking for what I really wanted when an organisation asked me to to talk at a function- I just said yes because I felt that I would lose out on the opportunity, and so my asking for what I really want is a work in progress and I grow as I grow.
Today I commit to myself to continue on the journey to asking for what I really want knowing that delays are not denials, that I am enough, that no means next or not now and to accept that everything is everything and it's alright


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