Everything I do is a joy and a gift

Everything I do for you is a joy and a gift .You got my whole life lifted Jill Scott

Something hit me on Friday at the NiNa Graduation. This is what I will do for free and it brings me joy. I sat there and right at that moment there is no other place I would have rather been. Ok so what is the challenge with that? Well truth be told this programme is my labour of love, every cycle I have to somehow find/gather/muster up the resources to make it happen. I have some pretty awesome friends and angels who have supported me on this journey so far, and some continue to. They show up for me - without me having to pay them and they deliver. But as reality goes it costs money to run the thing! 
One of the speakers on Friday reminded me in her own way to know my worth, believe in what I do and believe that it has value- thank you for the reminder
The whole concept of "not enoughness" rears its head over and over and I maintain a balancing act with that and wanting to give back and do things for love
What's the solution
ACIM says " I am willing to see this differently" say that to yourself in a situation of so called conflict and wait in stillness for the response
So I wait
Looking forward to the next cycle of the NiNa Programme which starts in September


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