Own it, Own Up. Own Your Stuff
Your actions reflect what you want for
yourself and how much you love and value yourself. Your actions reflect how you
see yourself, what you feel you deserve. Tyrese G
Own your
Own it! –
Own the fact that you are at this stage of your life where if you haven’t made
any decisions and choices you must now do so- because making no decision is
also a decision and you will end up living someone else’s life or living by
Own up if
you don’t have a vision for yourself and your life, a vision is something
larger and bigger than what you can see now, it involves imagination and
dreaming. How do you want your life to look? What type of life do you want? having
a vision makes you focused
It makes you
It makes you
challenges and hearing no is par for the course, it will not stop you for
achieving the vision.
If you have
no vision, you will just be going along following blowing with the breeze and
get frustrated.
Own the fact
that you were born with the ability to create and it is your responsibility to
tap into that power you were given to create the life you want and you
Own up to
the realization that you alone are responsible for your life, no one else, as
much as you would like to think it is someone else’s fault you are where you
are you now know that you have the ability to make a choice to change that and
be courageous enough to make that choice.
You cannot
outsource this responsibility
You cannot
give it away and expect to live a full life, your best life
If you don’t
believe in yourself then who’s going to?
If you don’t
dream for yourself then who’s going to?
Own up
Own up to
the fact that you may be scared and afraid to move and because of that you did
Own it, that
you have the power to change that, that you can be scared but still make a move
towards the vision towards the dream, to make a change in your life for the
This is the
time, this is the opportunity to get a vision for yourself and your life
To make a
plan to achieve the vision
To have
unwavering faith. to don’t let any doubt fool you
Own it, Own
To admit
that even though you are scared that your knees are knocking that you will feel
the fear and do it anyway
Own it – Own
your gifts and talents, do not ever dismiss
them, they were given to you for a reason
Embrace them.
embrace the gifts you possess so that you can use them in achieving the vision
and your goals and dreams that you have set for yourself. Honor yourself by honouring
these gifts/ honor your mind choose what you feed it, choose who you spend time
Honor your
body – what are you putting into it eventually what’s inside of you will show
up on the outside.
Own up –
that you have sometimes lost focus and by doing this started comparing yourself
to others, Comparison and comparing yourself, takes time away for you focusing on
your own goals and vision!
What others
think of you is none of your business.
Own up. Own it
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