Take the time to discover your real intention before you act.

Take the time to discover your real intention before you act. If it is to change someone or the world so that you will feel safe or better about yourself, don't act on it, because it is an intention of fear and can create only painful consequences. If your real intention is to create harmony instead of discord, cooperation instead of competition, sharing instead of hoarding, and reverence for life instead of exploitation, act on it, because it is an intention of love and can create only healthy and wholesome consequences. When you do this, you are creating authentic power. Gary Zukav, author

The lessons continue, she asked what did you achieve in 2012? Now this time I did not just open my mouth and answer as I would normally do. I asked her, “what did you achieve in 2012?” She laughed and said you are quick, let me tell you my daughter, your achievements are important, particularly when you set goals but make no mistake the goals you set come from who you are. There are many of you who believe that there is merit in doing things which stroke your ego and get the stamp of external praise, these things are temporary and fleeting and you will continue to strive for these achievements which make you seem more worthy in the eyes of others, it will never end, you will continue to “achieve” them and never be at peace! Do you understand what I mean? You think getting this certain something will make you into something more! Sorry it doesn’t work that way! Start off knowing that you are enough, then take it from there!

Follow your intuition and live your own life, there is no substitute for it. Make goals that you can be proud of, that strengthen you as a person, that allow you to contribute to the development and betterment of where you live, that enhances your soul, your Spirit, your joy, your capacity to love. Do you understand what I am telling you?

My famous intelligent response – OK!!
So what did I learn today?
I am really onto something if I regard my job as sacred and do my days work to the best of my ability (whether I like it or not) If I take every opportunity to wisely spread the knowledge and truth to others and If I rigidly refrain from personal criticism and learn from the experiences



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