I let the love go where it wants to go

What mattered was that I showed up. I let the love go where it usually wants to go: toward someone else who really needs it. Danielle LaPorte

The First Citizens Women's Conference gig was my best ever! I had so much fun! It just felt that I was supposed to be there at one of the biggest Women's Conference in the country and that is not a boast, it is the manifestation of a vision! I was well prepared really through a combination of self belief, preparation and faith!
I want you to know that self belief and good ole' sweat and passion is enough, that you are enough and to keep on keeping on
I want you to know that there will be challenges and people talking shit, but that is par for the course, continue, do your do! do you!
I want you to know that you may get tired, find a place to reboot and recharge then come again!
I want you to know that you have the ability to create and this power can be tapped into at any time!
I want you to know that dreams become real!


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