Let joy be your default!

Spend this day living and being, loving, learning, caring and giving. You are alive, aware, and blessed with a world of possibilities, so act like it. Let joy be your default setting. (Ralph Marston, motivational speaker)

Today is a holiday in Uganda, I am at the flat chilling, tomorrow is a work day, after work though I will be off to Mt. Eligon. This is on the border of Uganda and Kenya with some of the best caves and volcanoes in the country and even the continent. There is also a three storey waterfall which I am looking forward to seeing!

I am driving, yes me!! I will be driving six hours, I will be ready! No speeding off and all that jazz!!

Will let you know how it goes!

So what did I learn today?

Just know that your life is good with a Capital G, and act like you know!



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